Science based training

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Tailored to you

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Adapting to your progress

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Giving you the confidence* to succeed
*and fitness
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Every JSET training plan is unique, specific to your:


Down to the minute. If you're chasing a 2h57min marathon then a sub3 plan isn't right for you, you need a 2h57min training plan.


Busy job? No problem, we'll work around it. Getting a PB doesn't have to take over your life.​


JSET looks at your previous race performance and your training history. By comparing these it can assess how your body responds to training.

Training preferences

Let's do the type of running you enjoy. If you love running at a "chatting pace" with friends then do that. JSET tells you exactly how much "chatting pace" running you need to do.

Current ability

Everyone is starting from a different place, so even two runners who have the same goal need different programs. JSET accounts for that.

(it'll also adapt)

JSET adapts according to how well your training is going. Say hello to overachieving!

What is JSET?

JSET is a highly personalised running training system which takes the uncertainty out of your racing by using science, rather than guesswork, to plan your training and assess your fitness.
By assessing your recent training JSET is able to set out a challenging, yet achievable, training goal each week. The JSET dashboard will always push you to improve, working towards your race or fitness goal. In this way the JSET dashboard is designed to keep you progressing and motivated each week.

Coupled with coaching and extra analysis from Josh Sambrook, an accomplished marathon runner, JSET has helped athletes across the globe, of a wide variety of abilities and backgrounds, achieve their running goals. From runners who simply want to finish their first marathon to runners aiming to win races, JSET works for everyone.

How does JSET work?

By understanding the relationship between average pace, weekly distance and performance, JSET gives runners the freedom to do more of the training they enjoy.

It’s up to you to decide how you train. Some people like to do all their training at a consistent, steady pace, others prefer to mix it up with speedwork. Regardless of your style JSET will accurately assess the training effect of your running and keep you on track to improve your performance.

A JSET training plan can change the way you train. Each week you have a target training doughnut. This is simply the training load you need to run in order to achieve your race or fitness goal. Each mile / Km you run moves you towards this target, and running faster counts as more of your training load. Click on the blue doughnut to learn more.

If you stick to the JSET training program you can be confident you’ll be fit enough to achieve your race or fitness goal. You’ve got the experience of me, an accomplished marathon runner, but it’s the science behind the unique training program that’s the really special thing about JSET.

Josh S is the coach behind JSET

Josh Sambrook marathon coach
I believe almost anyone can be a fast runner if they do the right training. In 2016 I was directed towards the equation that JSET is based on, and by applying it to my training I found I was getting faster and faster. By the end of 2018 I was the fastest U23 marathon runner in the UK. This isn’t because I’m naturally a fantastic runner – for a long time I was an average runner, finishing as an “also ran” in cross country and marathons.

It was training correctly, in a way that I enjoy, that enabled me to really improve. JSET training uses the structure of science, combined with the intelligence of a skilled human to generate a training program that allows athletes to achieve more than they thought possible. JSET is different because the science underpinning the program understands exactly what training load your body has experienced, and what race performance that will produce.

And finally, some background about me

I am a graduate of the University of Leeds, with a BSc in Sports Science & Physiology. For my final year project (dissertation) I investigated predicting marathon performance from training variables and previous race performance; this is the work that I now use as the foundation of JSET. I ran my first marathon at the age of 17, and I’ve run at least one every year since. My current PB is 2h28min, which I ran in the Yorkshire Marathon 2018.

I’m happiest when running; whether racing or training, alone or with friends, in sunshine or rain.